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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Diaper rash and baby powder is not so baby friendly…

Just when you thought you had this parenting thing down, enters a new culprit to stir things. Who is this culprit? Baby powder. Baby powder was my ‘go to’ for my daughter’s irritated skin. However, low and behold baby powder apparently is not baby friendly as it seems.

It turns out there is controversy when it comes to baby powder. According to American Academy of Pediatrics and most pediatricians, many baby powders are talc based which can cause breathing issues and lung damage.

Baby powder may smell and feel good but it is definitely not worth jeopardizing your pint sized little being’s health.  You can always go to the thick heavy chemically based ooey-gooey ointment or reach for other remedies out there that I love just as much, if not more!
If my little sprout’s skin is pretty irritated, my favorite ‘go to’ natural remedy is a warm oatmeal bath. I add 1 -2 tablespoon(s) of dried oatmeal to her bath. The oatmeal is soothing and helps protect her skin. The best part, she loves baths so this is great fun for her.

After the bath and dried off, I apply corn starch to her skin. I know this is powder form however, its important to pour it into your hand and gently pat it on. Corn starch is great as it dries up damp area and greatly reduces any friction caused by elastic diapers. Again, remember to shake the corn starch into your hand and away from your sprout.

Visit for more natural diaper rash remedies!

What is better than natural remedies for diaper rash? 
5 ways to avoid a diaper rash!

  1.  Change the Diaper Often- Diaper rash generally happens when the diaper is wet/soiled and cover the skin. The best to avoid this skin irritant is to change it often!
  2. Keep It Clean- Keep baby’s skin clean from bacteria spreading.
  3.  Keep It Dry- Exposed wetness to skin will cause the diaper rash, so be sure to keep the area dry. corn starch (applied in hand first and away from the baby) can help with this but be sure to stay away from the talcum powder!
  4. Avoid Irritation- Diapers and wipes can cause an irritation on the skin from the fragrance and bleach ingredients within them! There are diapers and wipes on the market without containing any harsh chemicals.
  5.  Use Barrier and Creams- Click Here for a great recipe to a natural barrier cream!

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