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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Welcome to Naturally Mommy!

I’ve created a spot where all things natural are welcome. I’m eager to share all of my new natural findings that I use on a daily basis to help keep my home naturally healthy and happy! I’m not really here to preach on and on about health but to share some great alternatives that make our daily routines more easy and healthy.

Immediately after the double lines appeared on the pregnancy test, I dipped my toes into the ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’ of being pregnant and before I knew it was in waist deep! Already being naturally tired from the baby taking every ounce of my energy, I grew into exhaustion trying to research all of the right things to do. I thought this was what being a good mom is about! After jotting down all my notes and sorting them into piles, I soon realized maybe this was a bit ridiculous and quite unnecessary.

Trying to be a perfect mom is not great, but trying to be a great mom is perfect! Taking anything overboard is not good for anyone and trying to reach the unobtainable is a waste of time. The role as a mom is a natural thing in life. There is no need to search for the instruction pamphlet on being the perfect mom, because well there is none. Trust me I’ve looked!  

My advice? To begin your naturally mommy path the first thing to do is listen to your heart and going with that gut feeling! Just continuously ask yourself “Is what I am doing ok? And is there a healthier alternative?”

For instance, while utilizing my “Sunday clean day” I was cleaning the hardwood floors with some overpowering smelling wood cleaner. My eyes were watering and my nose began to run, my naturally mommy gear kicked in and I thought this can’t be good for me or the baby! Or anyone! Is there a healthier solution?

After doing a little research, I found a solution! An alternative to floor cleaning, that was not only healthier for my growing baby, me and my beloved dog but the floors as well! It’s called vinegar! No longer, do I have harsh chemicals sitting on wood floors and emanating into the air, I have nice shiny and CLEAN hardwood floors.

The cleaning ration is 1/2 cup white vinegar to 1 gallon of warm/hot water. I’m a telling you this works! I had to change my bucket three times from all of the slack pick up of my expensive hardwood cleaner. The best part of all this vinegar cleaning madness? There is an endless list that your white vinegar can help aid you in cleaning!

Check this out! Cleaning with Vinegar

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