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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Diaper rash and baby powder is not so baby friendly…

Just when you thought you had this parenting thing down, enters a new culprit to stir things. Who is this culprit? Baby powder. Baby powder was my ‘go to’ for my daughter’s irritated skin. However, low and behold baby powder apparently is not baby friendly as it seems.

It turns out there is controversy when it comes to baby powder. According to American Academy of Pediatrics and most pediatricians, many baby powders are talc based which can cause breathing issues and lung damage.

Baby powder may smell and feel good but it is definitely not worth jeopardizing your pint sized little being’s health.  You can always go to the thick heavy chemically based ooey-gooey ointment or reach for other remedies out there that I love just as much, if not more!
If my little sprout’s skin is pretty irritated, my favorite ‘go to’ natural remedy is a warm oatmeal bath. I add 1 -2 tablespoon(s) of dried oatmeal to her bath. The oatmeal is soothing and helps protect her skin. The best part, she loves baths so this is great fun for her.

After the bath and dried off, I apply corn starch to her skin. I know this is powder form however, its important to pour it into your hand and gently pat it on. Corn starch is great as it dries up damp area and greatly reduces any friction caused by elastic diapers. Again, remember to shake the corn starch into your hand and away from your sprout.

Visit for more natural diaper rash remedies!

What is better than natural remedies for diaper rash? 
5 ways to avoid a diaper rash!

  1.  Change the Diaper Often- Diaper rash generally happens when the diaper is wet/soiled and cover the skin. The best to avoid this skin irritant is to change it often!
  2. Keep It Clean- Keep baby’s skin clean from bacteria spreading.
  3.  Keep It Dry- Exposed wetness to skin will cause the diaper rash, so be sure to keep the area dry. corn starch (applied in hand first and away from the baby) can help with this but be sure to stay away from the talcum powder!
  4. Avoid Irritation- Diapers and wipes can cause an irritation on the skin from the fragrance and bleach ingredients within them! There are diapers and wipes on the market without containing any harsh chemicals.
  5.  Use Barrier and Creams- Click Here for a great recipe to a natural barrier cream!

Saturday, April 26, 2014


For gorgeous skin run to the kitchen and grab your vinegar…Apple Cider Vinegar to be exact. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) sounds sweet and inviting much like our beloved fall beverage Apple Cider. This isn’t the case, it has a strong potent smell of vinegar that makes your eyes water and nose want to run off your face. Even though ACV may not necessarily be smell and taste friendly our skin loves this stuff!

An Apple A Day Keeps The Skin Issues Away: Apple Cider Vinegar is extremely effective for treating common skin issues such as acne, warts, dark spots and other skin problems. The ACV is also fantastic for overall health of our skin by making it look younger and much smoother. How does this work? ACV has a tonic action that promotes blood circulation in the tiny capillaries that irrigate our skin.* Because this vinegar is also antiseptic, it prevents bacteria and viruses that often lead to irritations on the skin. The ACV has the ability to balance out the pH balance and condition our skin, giving it a more even tone appearance.*

My personal experience with ACV: During my first trimester my skin began to breakout in acne madness (this is a sign of a girl, right?), even though my doctor said the medicated acne treatment I was currently using was pregnancy safe, I figured there had to be something better! So I did a little research and was introduced to ACV. The very first night I applied the ACV, it began to work instantly and I woke up the next morning with clearer skin. Now even 9 months after my pregnancy I am still religiously using ACV as a daily and mid-night toner. In a short period of time my skin began to appear healthier and even had a natural glow too it!  The trash can now proudly owns my previous expensive chemically induced toner!

Apple Cider Vinegar benefits the skin but the benefits don’t just stop there!
  • Stop the itch of a mosquito bite**
  • Soothe sore throats**
  • Detoxify**
  • Hiccup destroyer!**

ACV will be your friend around the house too Click Here

Saturday, April 19, 2014

In a (Coco)nut Shell

In a (Coco)nut shell: Coconut oil is a friendly edible oil that has been consumed in wonderful tropical places for thousands of years. I say ‘friendly’ because this oil has a lot of benefits to it! There have been studies done that coconut oil consumption actually show signs in benefits of health and other positive uses.

So how are people using coconut oil and what are are the benefits? First, be sure our friend here is a virgin. Virgin coconut oil is less refined and more fresh! Research has shown that coconut oil aides in long list of healthy benefits.
 A few here:
 • Reversing the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease*
 • Positive benefits for people with diabetes type 1 and 2*
 • Boosts metabolism*
 • Promote a healthy hormone balance*
 • Improves skin conditions- such as the all too common acne and eczema*

The list of benefits from coconut oil for health is really endless. Trainers, athletes and some of the biggest weight loss programs on the market are including the almighty coconut oil. Coconut oil doesn’t just stop there, like a good friend it also shares its beauty secrets with us too!

A few here:
 • Conditions and strengthens hairs*
 • Hydrates skin*
 • Add a little sea salt to the mix and you have a simple natural face scrub
 • Skin Illuminator*
 • Make up remover
 • Lip Balm

Just like with healthy benefits, the beauty benefits is also endless with coconut oil. Yes, it can even help aide us moms out there with our children by being a natural germ and virus killer as well as being a healthy brain boosting snack.

Check out Dr. Oz's intake on coconut oil!

*Facts from my blog can be reviewed Here!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Welcome to Naturally Mommy!

I’ve created a spot where all things natural are welcome. I’m eager to share all of my new natural findings that I use on a daily basis to help keep my home naturally healthy and happy! I’m not really here to preach on and on about health but to share some great alternatives that make our daily routines more easy and healthy.

Immediately after the double lines appeared on the pregnancy test, I dipped my toes into the ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’ of being pregnant and before I knew it was in waist deep! Already being naturally tired from the baby taking every ounce of my energy, I grew into exhaustion trying to research all of the right things to do. I thought this was what being a good mom is about! After jotting down all my notes and sorting them into piles, I soon realized maybe this was a bit ridiculous and quite unnecessary.

Trying to be a perfect mom is not great, but trying to be a great mom is perfect! Taking anything overboard is not good for anyone and trying to reach the unobtainable is a waste of time. The role as a mom is a natural thing in life. There is no need to search for the instruction pamphlet on being the perfect mom, because well there is none. Trust me I’ve looked!  

My advice? To begin your naturally mommy path the first thing to do is listen to your heart and going with that gut feeling! Just continuously ask yourself “Is what I am doing ok? And is there a healthier alternative?”

For instance, while utilizing my “Sunday clean day” I was cleaning the hardwood floors with some overpowering smelling wood cleaner. My eyes were watering and my nose began to run, my naturally mommy gear kicked in and I thought this can’t be good for me or the baby! Or anyone! Is there a healthier solution?

After doing a little research, I found a solution! An alternative to floor cleaning, that was not only healthier for my growing baby, me and my beloved dog but the floors as well! It’s called vinegar! No longer, do I have harsh chemicals sitting on wood floors and emanating into the air, I have nice shiny and CLEAN hardwood floors.

The cleaning ration is 1/2 cup white vinegar to 1 gallon of warm/hot water. I’m a telling you this works! I had to change my bucket three times from all of the slack pick up of my expensive hardwood cleaner. The best part of all this vinegar cleaning madness? There is an endless list that your white vinegar can help aid you in cleaning!

Check this out! Cleaning with Vinegar