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Monday, May 12, 2014

Free Kitchen Help Anyone?

A little kitchen help anyone? By the time lunch roles around my kitchen sink and counter tops are already collecting cups of all sizes. While loading the dishwasher, the top rack is always the first to be overcrowded with these cups. There just isn’t enough room and what a waste time, water & overtime your money! My family of four goes through the water glasses on daily basis like crazy so I can’t imagine what a family of 4+ must go through!

A time saver tip: Create a designated area on the kitchen counter where half-filled coffee mugs that need to be reheated, water glasses to be can be used again later, or Sippy cups that need be refilled are welcomed! This special spot will cut down on clutter! But take it a step further. Band the cups, to make them identifiable for the day. Now, everyone has their own individualize cup to use for the day.

My personal experience: This quick tip is a simple and quick way to make you day just little more easier not to mention cleaner! Far less cups are scattered about the house and the dishwasher is not taking on extra work! Using less cups per day also adds up to being considered a GREEN habit! Your little sprouts will have a blast picking out there new band for the day to make there all day cup special! There are bands to specifically for this purpose to purchase on the market but you can also put the pocket book away and use the items listed below to get the job done as well!

Bands ideas:
  • Use the rubber charity bands (my favorite band idea!)
  • Rubber bands
  • Colored tape
  • Hair ties
Need more time saving ideas?

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